Calling the Rain by Andrea Pro


Limited edition woodcut block print by Andrea Pro
Number of prints in edition: 3/12
Dimensions: 25 x 30, unframed

Availability: 1 in stock

SKU: 01-5800 Categories: , Tags: , , ,

The stately wiliwili was one of a variety of trees that once abundantly flourished in the dry forest ecosystem on Hawaii Island. When people introduced cattle, sheep and goats to this delicate environment over the past 200 years, this tree was devoured almost to extinction. Forests create weather so, predictably, with the decline of the trees and understory plants, rain became scarce and left the land dry and parched. After visiting some of the remaining mature wiliwili trees I realized the power and importance of forests to the well-being of our planet.” – Andrea Pro

Printed on Rives French paper with deckle edges.

You can learn more about Andrea Pro on her bio page here.