Kamamalu, Kira

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Kira Kamamalu was born in Hilo,

Hawaiʻi surrounded by interest in Hawaiian Culture by her family and raised in traditions passed down through her father’s family.  Kira has an inherent interest in preserving Hawaiian history and continuing Hawaiian Culture. 

Kira’s passion for art came at a very young age but not specifically in painting.  An artist of many mediums, from painting to her new clothing line, Hawaiian Culture is a thread that runs thought her work.  Having completed two residencies, over 20 solo exhibitions, numerous collaborative shows, and the Florence Biennale in 2013, Kira also teaches art and many of the Hawaiian cultural arts.

Experience specific to her painting includes studying under the mentorship of Big Island artists Edwin Kayton and later spent a year abroad in Europe studying the masters and perfecting her skills. 

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