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Aaron Hammer Aloha Friday Aloha Fridays Archive Film Series Artist Demonstration author Big Island Woodturners block printing book book making book signing booksigning bowls calabash ceramics children christmas Christmas In The Country Christmas Tree Lighting Cindy Conklin classes clay Concert Cooking dance Dancing at the Source Daniel Van Zyle demonstration diana Miller Dietrich Varez digital paintings Dominic Tidmarsh Donna Barr drawing encaustics Erik Wold event Exhibit exhibition featured exhibit festival Fiber Art film and panel discussion flower arrangement Forest Fair From Pele To Poliahu gallery George Nuku gift items glass Glenn Yamanoha gourds hand building Hawaii National Park Hawaii Nei Invitational Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Hawaiian design hawaiian plants Heritage and Archival Program Hookupu hula hula kahiko I indigo dyeing Jazz In The Forest Jelena Clay John Dawson Kainoa Makua Kathy Long keiki Keiki Camp Keiki Workshop Ken Charon Kris Fuchigami kuuipo morales landscape landscaping Lathe lau hala weaving lauhala weaving Leslie Whited Liko A'e Local Author logs Love The Arts Maggie Herron Marian Fieldson meditation mokuhanga mosaics Mothers Day Concert movie night Muriel Anderson mushroom cultivation Music Nature Walk Nelson Makua niaulani Niaulani Campus original paintings painting paper making pastels Patti Pease Johnson Pen Sketching Phan Barker photography plant sale plants plein air Pop Up Print signing Puppets on the Path quilt show quilts raku sale sculpture garden silk scarf Soft Pastel soft pastels Sounds at the Summit Spooky Trail Spring Camp Stained Glass stamping Thursday Night Thursday Night at the Center Time Capsule tours tropical flowers volcano volcano art center volcano photos Volcano Village watercolor watercolors West Hawaii Woodturners Wood wood block Wood Show wood turning wood worker woodturning workshop workshops wreaths yoga Zach Mermel zentangle
Apr 25 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Aloha Friday cultural demonstrations are held each week from 11 am – 1 pm on the porch of Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. This week’s offerings include: Lau hala Weaving with Kumu Kāʻeo Izon. Visitors and kama’aina alike are invited to experience a free, hands-on workshop.
These free cultural events are supported in part by Hawaiʻi Tourism Authority.
Aloha Friday demonstration lau hala weaving volcano art center