Warner, Jay

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As a long-time Big Island woodworker,

Jay enjoys making many different styles of furniture. Traditional island styles of the 1800’s, European and North American-influenced pieces, as well as contemporary designs, come out the doors of his shop. Furniture coming from his workshop is almost always made from timber that was harvested here on the Big Island from lumber sawn on one of his sawmills. Many other woodworker friends of his use lumber he has sawn for them over the years.

Woodworking has supported Jay and his family for over 40 years and is more of a lifestyle than an occupation. Woodworking, welding, harvesting and milling, along with fixing and restoring all the tools that are necessary to do this, are part of the deal in this way of life.

Propagating seedlings and planting various kinds of trees are also hobbies of his; a small way of giving back to our wonderful forests here.

Jay says, “Plant trees!”

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