Dina Kageler:
A Volcano Art Center Photographer
Photographic Influences Influencing my photographic journey have been several documentary photographers of the previous generation, especially Dorothea Lange who photographed displaced families during America’s Great Depression of the 1930s; and W Eugene Smith, whose powerful photographic essays carried stories in images, rather than words; and Margaret Bourke-White, the first female photographer for Life Magazine.
Boone Morrison's Impact Closer to home, beginning in 1977 an extended series of classes and workshops with Volcano’s Boone Morrison fostered in me a deeper appreciation for black and white photography and darkroom skills. By 1986, I was teaching black and white photography and darkroom technique for VAC with classes in the in the old teacher’s cottage at the Old Japanese School House.
My photography projects frequently supported the Volcano Art Center’s programming. My images appeared in numerous issues of The Gazette newsletter, and served a publicity and documentation for many VAC programs, from dance to wood carving to block printing to the Wilderness Runs and hō`ike hula.
Artists Featuring Artists My favorite bread-and-butter photography was in support of our community artists photographing their work or providing portraits for their portfolios. We Volcano artists, we helped out one another, laughed together frequently, shared ideas and inspiration, and made lifelong friends.
Tools Of The Trade
Hasselblad 500cm Nikon FM2 & FM10 Graflex Speed Graphic 5x4 Yashisa Mat-124G Fuji G617 Panorama Professional Pentax Spotmatic Asahi