19-4074 Old Volcano Rd
Volcano, HI 96785
“Painting with Peggy” Returns to Volcano Art Center
Get the results that you want from Acrylics, and together with Peggy Stanton and other artists, get inspired to do your best work ever!
Margaret “Peggy” Stanton leads an ongoing series of Acrylic Painting Workshops for artists of all levels. Each three hour class, is a hands on painting session where participants learn to approach their painting process with a new awareness and understanding of color dynamics and composition.
Begin your first session with a 16″x 20″ canvas!
Margaret helps artists to heighten and accentuate their own unique vision with bold colors, lines and shapes. With important tips on Acrylic Paints and Mediums, artists create a painting on canvas using a more immediate and intuitive process. She guides artist on “painterly” ways to put on the finishing stokes. Stanton also offers individual instruction for artists during each session.
“Painting with Peggy” Acrylic Painting Class will be held on Monday, October 3 from Noon – 3:00pm at Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus. Cost for each session is $20/$15 for VAC Members. Please see the materials list and detailed class descriptions below.
Students bring your own supplies and easels. Please bring a piece to show the group if you want to. If you have any questions, please email Margaret Stanton at peggystanton007@yahoo.com. To see Margaret’s work visit Margaret Stanton’s Art Online
We will set, start and finish our paintings during this fun and informative three hour session.
Start with a 16″ x 20″ canvas or so. We will paint a colorful underpainting, then Peggy will show you how to create the perfect pallet to work with.
Ten point list of what to bring including a list of colors:
1.) Bring your Acrylic Paints. (If you are buying new paints try the Soft Acrylics. Soft Acrylics have as much pigment as heavy body acrylics, they mix easily and they can be thicken up with Clear medium when needed) While Painting with Peggy you will learn about colors; their properties and their complimentary counter parts. Below is a list of colors that you can use. Please get professional grade paints.
Primary (best to have) Colors:
- Ultramarine Blue
- Alizarine Crimson (Red)
- Cadmium Yellow light
- Titanium White
Secondary (good to have) Colors:
- Viridian or Thalo Green
- Dioxazine Purple
- Burnt Umber
Choose more colors as you go. Here are some colors with descriptions:
- Phthalo Blue – transparent blue-green
- Magenta – transparent, between D.Purple and Ult. Blue
- Acra Gold – transparent “dark” yellow
- Naphthol Red Light – transparent light red
- Quinacridone Crimson – transparent red, rosy glazing
- Cadmium Orange – secondary, compliment to Ultramarine Blue
- Hooker’s Green Deep Hue – Dark green-yellow
- Quinacridone Burnt Orange – Transparent red-orange
- Cadmium Yellow Medium
- Green Gold – transparent
- Mixing White – good to have for mixing medium values and other stuff
- Unbleached White – good for warm whites and warm nudging of colors
2.) Acrylic Matt Medium (clear, runny)
3.) Canvas of your choice (stretched canvas or canvas pad – any size, I like 16 x 20 or larger)
4.) Large Jar for water (plastic or glass, the larger the better)
5.) Pallet of your choice (styrafoam plates or egg cartons work well)
6.) Paper Towels
7.) Easel
8.) Chair we have, but bring one that you like if you want to.
9.) Please think about a place or a subject that is meaningful to you, and bring a picture of it to refer to as you create your painting with Peggy.
10.) Drinks and snacks
Arrive a little early to get set up, because right away everyone will coat their canvas with an underpainting. While it dries, Peggy will guide us in setting up the perfect pallet of colors and give instructions on how to develop your painting with great color harmony and value.
Personal instruction is available during this three hour class and painting session. Any painting that you are having trouble with, feel free to bring to the class. Peggy will help you to recognize its strengths and provide tips on how to put on the final touches.
Together as a group we will learn how to create your next best masterpiece, inspire each other to try new things with a better understanding of color and composition and encourage those who want to exhibit their art in shows and on the web.
Where do you recommend I buy the supplies? I’m a total newby at this. Ben Franklin? An art store? Thanks Lorna Jeyte
Aloha Lorna,
We have forwarded your message along to Peggy at peggystanton007@yahoo.com.
Aloha Peggy,
I have signed up for your classes & looking forward to learning how to paint with acrylics! I have taken several classes in watercolor & one in pastel. I have a canvas but not sure how to determine if its stretched.. as a beginning artist, in my old age, I know I have a lot to learn! The supply list you provided is a little daunting since I have limited supplies. Is there anything on the list that I can omit that you will provide, i.e. acrylic matt medium & if not, can it be purchased at Ben Franklins? Any suggestions you can give me will be greatly appreciated!
Mahalo! I look forward to seeing you on Monday. Lana