Moving with and for our Water – Core Dance

June 10, 2021 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 am
Volcano Art Center Ni‘aulani Campus
19-4074 Old Volcano Rd
Volcano, HI 96785
Class Fee: $15 / $10 VAC Member
Volcano Art Center

Moving with and for our Water classes will employ the principles of ease, weight, flow and dynamics as found in our relationship to water within and outside our human form. To open our time together, we will focus on connection and articulation, preparing the body for easy efficient movement. The second half of the class is spent dancing while exploring movement qualities and clarity of movement intentions inspired by water. Open to dancers, actors, artists, musicians and movers of every kind. We will activate the creative process and movement potential found in the rich resource of water.

“If possible, please come prepared with a dancing circle skirt that has the ability to flare and move
in a flowing manner. We will engage the skirts half way through our session”

Join Iman Siferllah-Griffin,  June 10, from 8:30 – 10am. Class fee is $15/$10 VAC Member. No dance experience required.


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