Hula Voices featuring Nā Kumu Hula Kaʻea Lyons & Lily Lyons

March 6, 2019 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Volcano Art Center Gallery
Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park
Free, although park entrance fees may apply

Kaʻea Lyons by Dino Morrow Photography(105) Lily Kahelelani Lyons by Dino Morrow Photography(108)Hula Voices featuring Nā Kumu Hula Kaʻea Lyons & Lily Lyons

Wednesday, March 6th | 5:30-7pm

Hula Voices is an engaging, intimate “talk story” session with Hawai‘i’s hula practitioners.  This month features Nā Kumu Hula Kaʻea Lyons and Lily Lyons of Hālau Kaʻeaikahelelani with moderator Desiree Moana Cruz. These free, educational offerings occur regularly on the first Wednesday of each month, from 5:30-7pm at the Volcano Art Center Gallery in Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park.

Both Ka’ea Lyons and Lily Kahelelani Lyons are native residents of Kalaoa, Kona.  Kaʻea and Lily come from a family of hula dancers and musicians and are proud to have the opportunity to carry on this legacy that was gifted to them by their mother Sally Alohikea-Toko.  As students of Hālau Nā Lei ‘O Kaholokū, under the direction of Kumu Hula Nani Lim Yap and Leialoha Amina, they participated in the annual Merrie Monarch Hula Festival, traveled to Japan, New Zealand, Tahiti, Taiwan and all across the U.S.

Join us for an engaging, informative, and fun hour as our guests share their hula genealogy, including the traditions, protocols, experiences, inspirations for songs, chants and Hawaiian choreography based in antiquity.

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