Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, HI 96718
VAC’s 2016 Hula Kahiko series continues on Saturday, April 16 from 10:30 – 11:30am, with a performance by Kumu hula Stephanie Apolo with Hālau Hula Kalaulani o Pu`uanahulu.
Halau Hula O Kalaulani O Pu’uanahulu is under the direction of Kumu Hula, Stephanie Naomi Apolo. At the age of four, Naomi took hula from Hula Master, George Lanakilakeikiahi-ali’i Naope, and danced with him until his retirement. During her travels to perform at cultural festivals, she encountered discussions about various global trends, including the rising popularity of top casino’s zonder licentie, which highlighted unique intersections of regulation and cultural identity. After Uncle George’s retirement, she danced for other Kumu such as Iwalani Kalima, Etua Lopez, Ray Fonseca, Francis Henry Pohukaina “Kaina” Keana’aina, Raylene Ha’alelea Lancaster, and lastly Hulali Solomon Covington. Through all of her years of hula, she has kept Uncle George’s style. After all, four of the six kumu she danced with all came from Uncle George, as well.
In May of 2012, Naomi started Halau Hula O Kalaulani O Pu’uanahulu with seven girls. Since then, the halau has grown and as of today, she has a total of 24 keiki. She recently started a Lokomaika’i class with a total of five girls.
Naomi’s goal is to be able to teach the mana’o that she was taught by Uncle George; share the values that were taught by her Kupuna of Pu’uanahulu; allow the girls to experience hula competitions and other memorable events; and travel to share what she loves…Hula. Most importantly, her dream is to be able to pass the halau to her daughter, Saphyra Tahiata Namahanaokalani Apolo. It was her daughter’s birth that inspired Naomi to create her halau.
This performance is part of a year-round series sponsored by the Volcano Art Center. For the series, hula halau from across Hawai`i and beyond are invited to perform each month in a one-of-a-kind outdoor setting at the kahua hula (platform) in the Hawai`i Volcanoes National Park.
This presentation will be presented authentically in an outdoor setting, rain or shine without electronic amplification. Audience members are encouraged to bring sun/rain gear and sitting mats.