Edible Landscaping for Backyards and Beyond!

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January 20, 2024 @ 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Volcano Art Center Niaulani Campus
19-4074 Old Volcano Rd
Volcano, HI 96785
$40/ $30 VAC Members plus a $15 supply fee

Katuk_SauropusAndrogynusEdible Landscaping for Backyards and Beyond!

Transform your lanai and lawn, your field and fence, into an abundant oasis of edible and multifunctional plants. Join instructor Zach Mermel of Ola Design Group  for the workshop, “Edible Landscaping for Backyards and Beyond!”

Attendees will explore a range of edible plants that can grow mauka to makai. A packet of practical readings and resources for further learning is included. Participants will get to take home a number of edible plants at the conclusion of the workshop.

The workshop will be held Saturday, January 20, 2024, from 9am – 2:30pm., with a break for lunch. Course fees are $40/$30 for VAC members plus a $15 supply fee.

How akamai are you about environmentally friendly landscaping and gardening? Have you ever considered methods for rapidly expanding the plant biodiversity for your garden? What are some of the most nutritious plants that you and your family can grow easily? If you’re saying, “yes, yes and (well) I have no idea!” then consider signing up for this workshop.


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