McClure, Frank

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“The skeletal remains of a living tree, what we call wood, is the product of both genetic factors and environmental forces.”

 In 1968, when he was thirteen, Frank McClure’s family moved to Kailua, O`ahu.  Since they lived only two blocks from the beach, his life revolved around surfing, diving, and fishing.  After finishing school, he moved to Kaua`i in 1975 to find less crowded waves. Finally, he moved to the Big Island in 1989 to build his home on the Hamakua Coast.

Frank first began working with wood as a carpenter. However, it was his love of plants, or more specifically his interest in native Hawaiian plants that exposed him to the spectacular beauty of Hawaiʻi’s hardwoods.

“My work is a fusion of the results of my life experiences with those of the tree. The virtually unlimited nature of carving allows me to give the unique qualities of each tree a larger role in the design process. My current work draws heavily on the tools and skills I used as a youth in the surfboard industry. The flowing organic curves are created with an array of power carving, grinding, and sanding tools. In addition, I also have several personally modified tools and specialized chainsaws that aid in the originality of my designs. I have always believed that conventional tools used in unconventional ways can yield new techniques.”

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