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19-4074 Old Volcano Rd
Volcano, HI 96785
EXHIBIT: Birds Of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park: The Hawaiʻi Nei Invitational Exhibition
July 13 through August 4
At Volcano Art Center Ni‘aulani Campus in Volcano Village
Originally scheduled for VAC Gallery in HVNP, this multi-media exhibit showcases the work of eight artists focusing on the birds of Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Due to the Park closure, the exhibit is being combined with the bi-annual Quilts in the Forest exhibition. The participating artists, including John Dawson, Reyn Ojiri, Sarah Koh, Wendy Barske, Maria Macias, Cody Yamaguchi, Ann Guth and John Mydoock were selected from the 2017 Hawaiʻi Nei Exhibition celebrating native species. For this exhibit the selected artists were asked to represent endemic bird species found in Hawaiʻi Volcanoes National Park. Please join us in celebrating two fantastic exhibits in one place! The opening reception for both exhibits takes place on Friday, July 13, from 5 – 7pm. Free to the public.