Hughes, Mark

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A University of Hawaii at Hilo graduate, Marc Hughes has spent over 20 years photographing and videoing marine life around the Big island of Hawaii. During his time at the university, he participated in research cruises studying cephalopods surrounding the main Hawaiian islands and marine archaeology and wildlife in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian islands. He collected a new genus of algae for Hawaiian islands while studying Marine Science and Conservation Biology. After graduating at UHH he continued his pursuit of marine studies by photographing and collecting a new species of lava tube dwelling marine fish on the Kona coast of the Big island. He also co-authored a scientific paper describing the new fish species with ichthyologist Jack Randall. Marc volunteers much of his time to utilize his experiences in the marine environment and knowledge of marine life behavior to educate students and the public alike. The main theme of his video presentations and educational displays is to bring attention to the intricate interactions of different marine species. By highlighting these symbiotic relationships he hopes to instill a desire to protect marine life and the marine environment.