Hagen, Langston Kimberly

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My work is influenced by both the biology and the sociology of the natural world. I have a deep interest in the aspects of both technology and nature in human lives, and how we respond to the competition, or balance, between the two. In my most current work, I have been exploring the fragility of “industry”; using glass, ceramic, and steel for their inherent qualities of beauty, strength and fragility, I also see them as essential materials for crafting pieces about the often uncomfortable interface of humanity and nature, as they are keystone materials in the evolution of human industrial processes. In my work I consider the idea of ingenuity, both human and nature’s. Due to our cultural associations with insects, and our long history of observing their behavior as a way of understanding our own, I have found that insects are an effective–if not poetic– way to talk about human behavior, and our relationship to both industry and nature.

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