L72, Kanoa, giclée by Dietrich Varez


Kanoa, print L72, by Dietrich Varez.

Dimensions: 9″ x 12″ , 12″ x 16″, 18″ x 24″, 30″ x 40″

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Kanoa, print L72, by Dietrich Varez.  “Kanoa” means bowl in Hawaiian.  Large bowls of this type were used in ‘awa (kava) ceremonies where the participants sat in a circle around the bowl according to rank, with the highest ranking closest to the kana.  ‘Awa is a narcotic beverage used both ceremonially and medicinally.  

Dimensions: 9″ x 12″ , 12″ x 16″, 18″ x 24″, 30″ x 40″

You can learn more about Dietrich Varez by visiting his bio page here.