McClure, Frank

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In 1968, when he was thirteen, Frank McClure’s family moved to Kailua, O’ahu. Since they lived only two blocks from the beach, his life revolved around surfing, diving, and fishing. After finishing school, he moved to Kauai in 1975 to find less crowded waves. Unable to afford property there, he moved to the Big Island in 1989 to build his home.

Like many others, his woodworking grew out of a carpentry background. It started slowly, mostly to fill in between building houses. He considers himself lucky to have found several good sources of wood early in his career which provided the inspiration for what he now does. Frank is also a professional set builder and prop maker for the film industry, but because of the sporadic nature of film work on the Big Island, he took “the plunge” and gave up building houses altogether in 1998. For the most part, he hasn’t looked back, although he still works in film whenever possible.

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