Perched on the side of an ancient cinder cone with a distant view of the smoke and glow from Kilauea Volcano’s active vents, my Hamakua Coast studio is an inspirational site for creating art from earth and fire. The open-air studio is nestled in a lush tropical setting on land that has supported 6 generations of my husband’s family. I strive to incorporate this natural beauty and cultural legacy in all of my work. I decorate my vessels with glazes and patterns that reflect the scenery, sunrises and sunsets that define each day. The familiar motifs of bamboo and dragonflies are drawn from this daily experience. The volcanic landscapes and lush greenery that surround me are represented in the glaze and texture. My passion for this place is a critical ingredient in each piece I create here. I have been teaching ceramics in Hilo for over 13 years. Currently I am teaching ceramics at High Fire Hawaii Gallery & Studio where I am also the gallery & studio manager. Mahalo for your interest in my artwork – Shannon