Milo, Monotype Print, Panel by Andrea Pro


Original Monotype Print Panel

Dimensions: 10.5″x 10.5″ x 2″


  • Archival Rives Paper
  • Oil-based Archival Printmakers Ink, Pearl-Ex
  • Panel Face: Archival Barrier – Golden GAC 100
  • Acid Free PVA Adhesive
  • Golden Gloss Waterborne Varnish (removable)
  • Frames: Polyacrylic stain and gloss


Availability: 1 in stock


Milo, Monotype Print, Panel by Andrea Pro.

This small sculptural tree is found along the shoreline of Hawaiʻi. The beautiful botanical display of the tender new flower buds progressing to their final form as seed pods is featured in this original print.

This is an original monotype combining printmaking techniques, including printing a background color from an inked plexiglas plate layered with a collagraph plate to add rich texture, embellished with pearlescent or metallic powdered pigments and a final printing with a wood block. A collagraph is created by adding a variety of paper, objects and gloss medium to a board, followed by inking and printing this relief surface onto paper.

Caring for your Panel:

Dust surface regularly with a soft cloth. Use care around edges where paper is adhered to the wood. The surface has been varnished with a UV protected varnish, however do not display in direct light.

You can learn more about Andrea here.

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